Zoom Bamboo Facial Roller
Zoom Bamboo Facial Roller
Zoom Bamboo Facial Roller
Zoom Bamboo Facial Roller
Zoom Bamboo Facial Roller

Bamboo Facial Roller


Our gorgeous new range of bamboo facial rollers! The perfect sustainable addition to your skin care routine.

Bamboo facial rollers are used to promote healthier skin and decrease wrinkles, all naturally. Use in a "inside to outside" motion across your face to improve skin circulation and lymph drainage. 


Why should you be using a facial roller?

  • Facial rollers stimulate the lymph nodes to drain fluids and toxins from the face, reducing puffiness.
  • Facial massage stimulates circulation, making your skin appear brighter and firmer.
  • Regularly using a facial roller can reduce wrinkles and stimulate collagen.


Stone Options: Jade, Rose and Opal

Dimensions: 6 inches long 2 inches wide

Bamboo Facial Roller



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